Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Chesley Bonestell meets PhotoShop


Anonymous said...

On what planet was this photo taken? It wasn't the earth, because seen from the earth, the moon and the sun subtend nearly the same angle (as anyone who has seen a full (or near-full) solar eclipse will know.

Joel Shurkin said...

I confess I have no idea. Perhaps the world of Photoshop. But, it's a lovely picture, something out of Chesley Bonestell, so what the hell.


Joel Shurkin said...

My wife sent it to me and I thought it was a pretty picture too. I think I need to modify the headline.

[If you don't understand what's going on, I modified the headline and eliminated the problem, and I thank one and all for the wise correction.]

Oberon said...

......nice image.